Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who else could be in Osiris life?

Osiris (middle), Isis (right) and Horus (left)
Osiris wife Isis, is his soul mate and sister. (now that is just nasty!!!). Osiris brother Seth, was really jealous about him because Seth thought he should rule Egypt not Osiris. Seth ended up killing Osiris, what a shame, but he became god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld. Osiris and Isis had a son named Horus. Horus got in a battle with Seth and killed him. Horus became the ruler of Egypt just like his dad. I only have one wish and that is to become a king and rule!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What might be Osiris pillars be in Egypt?

An architectural innovation found in  temples of the New Kingdom (1550-1069 b.c.). Where the mummiform figure of Osiris, the god of dead, is carved into one side of a four sided pillar, to further honor the god. Wow isn't being a mummy fun!!!!!!!!!!. Osiris pillars can be seen in the mortuary temple of Hatsheput at Deir el Rahri, and in the Ranesseum, the mortuary Temple of Ramses II. I would like to have a temple named after me.

Well what is the religion in Egypt on Osiris?

Although the Egyptians included a staggering number of gods in their pantheon, it came to the realm of the dead. They were united in their worship of Osiris, for their great desire was to live again in the next world. Wow there were a staggering number of gods in their pantheon wow!! No civilization has ever put faith, energy, and money into its belief in life after death, and because of that, most of what we know about Ancient Egypt comes from their belief that life didn't end with this world.

What is the Osiris role in Egypt?

Ok lets see we are talking about Osiris role, Got it!!! Ok, Osiris influenced the living and his people, cool I influence my little sister wait I'm not sure if I do influence her. Through his role in the process by which the deceased entered the underworld. Oh my I didn't know that, but now i know Osiris role in Egypt, wait a second doesn't principals have a role. Of course they do, they influence others just like Osiris.

What is God Osiris known for in the underworld?

Well you really want to know what God Osiris is known for. Well I'm going to tell now. Osiris is known as the ruler of underworld, not a surprise!!, and known as god of dead. Osiris was seen as a wise and beneficent king, he distinguished himself as a religious teacher.Well that is what he is known for, maybe someday I can become a god of dead and ruler of America also known as (United States).